welcome to the club of ‘work in progress’

Earlina Green Hamilton
2 min readJan 6, 2024

The truth, drumroll please, you can’t do everything.

image Philippe Oursel on unsplash

Whoa, that truth proclamation just released some major tension in my neck. If you are like 99.9% of the world who is trying to do everything including: drink 8–8 ounce glasses of water daily, workout 1–3 times a week, stay away from the news and off social media consistently, and breath. Then, welcome to the club of ‘work in progress.’

The club of ‘work in progress’ happens to be the story of my life. And no matter how many times I hear ‘take one day at a time,’ ‘do what you can,’ and ‘control the controllable,’ there is still a piece of me that wants to move mountains until I hit my financial, physical, and life goals.

It’s madness.

What I’ve recently learned is that you can’t lean too much on institutions (religious, educational, or corporate). You must trust the process of your work and don’t be afraid to fail because with the attempt you learn a whole heck-of-a-lot about yourself.

You must believe that the journey is ultimately yours. You have to own the good and bad times.

When I was laid off from my fancy job in the oil and gas industry a couple of years ago, the boss gave a riveting lecture about the benefits of starting a new chapter paired with Warren Buffet quotes. At the time I thought, sheesh, I don’t think this is the time to be spouting off your favorite bookmarked quotes when six people just lost their job, but it taught me that nothing is permanent. And until I take full control of my dreams, my business, and my future I will always be at the mercy of someone else’s.

It’s fine to work for people if that is your thing but remember when the going get’s tough you may be laid off.

Find your thing.

I read. I write. I watch documentaries on Netflix. I engage people in the pursuit to discover more about myself and my likes and dislikes.

And then I focus, at least try to, on just that. On just the new nugget that has inspired something in me until the next gem comes along.

I discovered a Facebook Live interview with Mark Manson, New York Times best-selling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k. I believe he has some pretty cool and honest things to say. Check him out!

This piece originally appeared on earlinagreen.com on April 5, 2017. Now, in 2024, I am grateful to still have a passion to write and to encourage others to find and do their thing.



Earlina Green Hamilton

driven by curiosity, exploration, conversation | educator/writer, Skillseta | Texas Blockchain Council Board Member